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AdColony’s Spring 2017 App Install Marketing Survey just hit the (digital) streets. This seventh edition of the survey answers the question of how marketers of the world’s top apps are acquiring high value users.

The survey provides insights, benchmarks, and trends from the world’s top-grossing app developers. Data combed from answers to more than 100 detailed questions reveal the top trends and insights in one concise report.

What are some highlights from the data? To begin with, “App install marketers are hustling,” notes the report. “On average, their teams are larger than ever, are localizing ad creatives for 7-plus languages at a time, and are optimizing their campaigns 4 times per week.”

Other insights:

  • Budgets are going to video: video ads now comprise 50 percent of all app install marketer spend.
  • Playables have potential. Considered the fifth most effective app install format, playables are being used by 64 percent of top app install marketers — and the budgets assigned to them are on the rise.

Want to peruse the entire report? Click here.